Why do I have to go so frequently for treatment? Is it really necessary?
The best way to answer this is to use an analogy. If you had an infection and visited your M.D., there is an excellent chance he would prescribe an antibiotic to fight the infection. That prescription might need to be taken twice a day for 14 days. In that 14 day time period you received 28 treatments. It doesn’t seem like it because you only had one actual visit to the office. In chiropractic, the treatment is given in the office, not at home and not out of a bottle. So, if you were to receive treatment three times per week for nine weeks, while it may seem like a lot of treatment, you were actually treated one time less than in the medical analogy given above.
It seems like once you start going to a chiropractor you have to go forever!
In actuality, many patients choose to receive chiropractic throughout their lives because they see the improvements in their lifestyle and health. Let’s face it, our society is geared towards fast food, fast cars, and immediate gratification. It is no wonder that people also want fast food healthcare. Let’s give you another analogy that may help. Diabetics and those with allergies sometimes need medication every day or every week of their life!!! In some cases patients with significant structural problems need structural support for long periods of time and perhaps the rest of their life. While these types of problems are not an everyday occurrence in my office, they do happen. Most people who come to my office for care for longer periods of time simply like the way they feel and choose to utilize chiropractic treatment more thoroughly than others.
Chiropractic is not accepted by the medical profession. My doctor doesn t want me to utilize chiropractic.
It is unfortunate that this occurs. I personally don’t believe that any doctor has all of the answers. That is why I refer to most other types of doctors when the need arises. In most cases, the medical doctor who has this attitude may still carry the prejudices of years past or has a total misunderstanding of what chiropractic treatment consists of and what our goals of treatment are. I have found that if this ever occurs, a telephone call by me to your doctor can help alleviate any concerns your medical doctor has with treatment. In some cases, after discussing the patient’s additional health issues with the medical doctor, I may alter my approach of treatment because of a patient’s health history.
Chiropractors are not “real” doctors.
This statement is true if you mean medical doctors. We certainly aren’t medical doctors and have chosen not to be. When I decided to enter chiropractic school, I chose to enter a healing art that concentrated on the spine and extremities. I chose a field of study that looked for the structural causes of health conditions and how a patient’s condition could be corrected rather than entering a field of medicine, which in many cases, chose to cover up symptoms through the use of medication.
Why do I have to keep coming, the pain is gone!
This goes back to the concept of threshold level of pain. Soon, with treatment, the pain level is reduced or gone. In many cases, if treatment is stopped at that time, the bulk of the condition is still looming behind the scenes, so to speak, below the water line (threshold level of pain). Once normal activity is resumed and the normal daily stresses occur, the pain will again re-appear. That is why I re-examine patients from time to time to determine where they are in care, and have a better indication as to what is needed.
I came to you for a few months, was satisfied with the results and decided to stop care. Now a few months later or more, my pain has returned. I really don’t want to get started all over again and I don’t want to have to come in for a long time.
This happens from time to time. Please understand something. I recommend the treatment that your condition requires. The best thing I can tell you is that if it has been a long time since treatment ended, let’s say 6 months to a year, there is a good chance at least a brief examination is needed to determine if the condition is the same or different than before. In many cases, the same amount of treatment is not needed. If you make it clear what your goals are, I will customize your treatment to give you what you need. I will, however, recommend, what your condition needs, not necessarily what you want to hear. It is then up to you to decide what you want. Please don’t be intimidated by me or my recommendations. As corny as it sounds, I want to help you to the degree you want help. It is your body and health afterall!
What should I expect on a visit?
- Spinal and Extremity Joint Manipulation/Adjustment: for the restoration of normal spine and joint position and biomechanics
- Flexion Distraction Therapy: Treatment for mobilization of the lumbar spine and treatment of lumbar disc problems and facet syndrome
- Physiotherapies: electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, interferential therapy, Thumper® Mechanical assisted massage, heat pads and ice pads